Reminder: Our Global Convening is this Thursday (April 21)
And our regular round-up of key investigative stories, data sources, reporting and funding opportunities.
Welcome to Green Echoes, a newsletter from the Environmental Reporting Collective that highlights key investigative stories, data sources, funding, reporting and training opportunities and our projects from across Asia.
Reminder: Global Convening on April 21
If you can, please join our Global Convening, where we will share information on our next investigations, grants and programs for the coming year. It’s also an opportunity for you to give us your input on what you think we should be focusing on — and get involved!
Can’t join? Fill our our survey and keep an eye out for a recap and announcements in future issues of this newsletter.
The best reporting from across Asia
For, Katherine Cheng writes about, despite high-profile seizures in 2021, the data shows that wildlife trafficking in Hong Kong has not slowed down. She digs into the reasons, including the failure to implement laws, the pandemic, and more.
In this deeply researched piece for Macaranga, part of a four-part series focused on forestry in Malaysia, Yao Hua Law explores why these plantations show few signs of economic and environmental sustainability.
And this investigative piece led by Erwan Hermawan for the Indonesian outlet Tempo connects how political interests are behind the issuance of mining licenses for nickel – a commodity in-demand due to it’s use in clean energy technologies – in Sulawesi, home to massive mining operations.
Opportunities, Resources and Training
For those of you in Indonesia or Malaysia – the Thomson Reuters Foundation is holding an online Journalism Bootcamp on Reporting Profit & Loss of Biodiversity in early June. Apply by April 30 if you’re interested.
And a reminder: The deadline for the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Journalism Fund’s Special Call for Proposals: Biodiversity in the Tropical Forests, for projects in Southeast Asia, is fast approaching (deadline April 30).
For those of you in India: Climate Trends is holding a media workshop on Heat Stress/Resilience Reporting in Mid-May.
We’re close to announcing the winners of the second round of our Reporting Grants. We’ve pushed the deadline for the next round to June 30.
New resource: For those of your looking to enhance your data science skills, the Earth Lab is offering a plethora of free sources, tutorials, and tools focused on earth data science.
That’s all for this week – do let us know, by responding to this email, if we missed anything.
Stay safe and healthy,
Nithin Coca
The Environmental Reporting Collective is a growing network of journalists and newsrooms from over a dozen countries, all dedicated to investigating environmental crimes collaboratively.
To learn more about our work, check out our website, Investigative.Earth, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.