Green Echoes #38: Environmental reporting, opportunities and more
Hello and welcome to yet another edition of Green Echoes, the bi-monthly newsletter from the Environmental Reporting Collective. Our primary objective is to furnish you with an all-inclusive update on the most recent investigative stories, data sources, reporting and training opportunities, and projects concerning environmental issues across Asia and beyond. Thank you for supporting our mission to create a healthier and more sustainable planet.
Environmental reporting to take note of
EU passes a law to ban the sale of CO2-emitting cars by 2035: A phase-out on the sale of polluting vehicles has been given the final approval to become law in the EU. Opposition from Germany had delayed the legislation for weeks.
Malnutrition in women and girls has soared by 25% in crisis-hit countries: Over a billion women and adolescent girls are malnourished, which has broad health, economic and well-being impacts.
Indonesian environmentalists voice concern over new capital: Conservationists in Indonesia are voicing concerns over the impact that the construction of the country's new capital city could have on the environment.
Over the past 10 years, land degradation from the agricultural conversion is estimated to have severely impacted 19 African countries, costing a total of 12% of GDP per year. Carbon finance could ensure agriculture production can be done in a low-carbon and sustainable way, says the World Bank.
Swiss court case ties human rights to climate change: More than 2,000 women are taking the Swiss government to court, claiming its policy on climate change is violating their right to life and health.
Zimbabwe tries to mitigate tobacco deforestation: The tobacco industry causes a fifth of Zimbabwe’s forest loss. Find out what is being done to minimise this.
From our Community
These articles are written by our community member, Ekpali Saint, a freelance journalist based in Nigeria.
While the government still struggles to protect forests in Haiti, experts suggest that solutions to deforestation must align with the needs of the people. Read more about the struggle to conserve threatened forests in Haiti here.
Niger Delta decries slow cleanups, decades after oil spills. Locals say remediation work is slow and appeal to the government to hasten the restoration of the polluted environment.
In Cross River state, home to much of Nigeria’s remaining forest, locals and officials accuse the state government of profiting from illegal logging.
Join the ERC Slack community to meet and engage with fellow journalists and for more grants and other opportunities and share your work
ERC’s upcoming global convening
We will have our Global Convening in a few months after we launch our annual global collaboration in April. Stay tuned to learn more about our next investigations, grants and programs for the coming year.
Oxford Climate Journalism Network — a unique opportunity to join a global network and learn from peers and academics while developing your expertise and career in climate journalism. More information about eligibility as well as the application is available here.
Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites journalists from Nairobi County, Kenya, to join a media workshop on air pollution in Nairobi from May 8-10, 2023. Apply here.
Want to share your passion for journalism and the First Amendment with students in your community? Apply to become a #Press4Education volunteer.
Data, Resources and Training
5 things we've learned from the UN climate report: The scientific body that advises the UN on rising temperatures has just released a new report. It's an important summary of six key pieces of research completed over the past five years.
Exploring the impact of climate change on women, in this webinar, speakers shared first-hand experiences and research on the impacts of climate change on women, providing examples of the challenges women face in vulnerable countries and the solutions under development to address them.
Following the UN Water Conference, a World Economic Forum panel discussed what actions need to be taken to transform promises into progress on the world's water crisis. Read it on.
Global Collaboration update
We run a Global Collaboration every year and work with reporters and newsrooms worldwide to produce a collaborative piece of environmental journalism on a community-led topic.
Here’s a short update on the latest one from our Managing Editor, Febriana Firdaus
We are at the final edit for our global stories and preparing the website, illustration, and videos now. We plan to publish it by the end of April.
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