Green Echoes #35 - Grant Winners, ERC Job Opportunities, and More
Welcome to Green Echoes, a newsletter from the Environmental Reporting Collective that highlights key investigative stories, data sources, funding, reporting and training opportunities and our projects from across Asia.
Announcing our Round Two Reporting Grant Recipients
We’re proud to announce the winners of the second round of our grant program aimed at enabling collaborative reporting around the world.
Illegal trade of endangered species from Latin America to Europe
How poaching and logging are pushing wildlife to the brink along an African border
Fake eco-finance - EU investors sponsoring deforestation in a Southeast Asian country
We’ll be publishing stories from the first round grantees soon — keep an eye out for them in a future issue of this newsletter.
Didn’t apply? If you sent in your application late, or weren’t able to meet the deadline, the next round closes on June 30th. Please apply, or respond to this email if you have any questions. If you have an idea but need a reporting partner, check out our Slack group, which includes more than 150 reporters, editors, and experts from around the world.
Work with us!
That’s right - we’re hiring — as we look to expand our work enabling cross-border collaborations between newsrooms and journalists, we are adding two new members to our team. Both are full-time positions, and the deadlines are May 31.
Operations Manager (Jakarta)
Help us operate efffectively by monitoring project timelines and milestones, team meetings, our digital media and communications platforms, and our impact goals and objectives.
Community Manager (Remote, preferably in Asia)
Help us expand our network, manage communications with partners, and our digital platforms, including social media.
Opportunities and Resources
Mongabay has a new paid reporting opportunity focused on carbon offsets. More details here (rolling deadline).
Climate Tracker and Internews Earth Journalism Network are accepting applications for a journalism masterclass, aimed at reporters from across Southeast focusing on the climate and water nexus (Deadline May 21).
EJN is also accepting applications for their 2022 Asia-Pacific Climate and Environmental Story Grants 2022, aimed at supporting the production of in-depth stories on critical environmental issues in the region (Deadline 7 June).
For Science journalists: Entries are now being accepted for the 2022 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards. (Deadline August 1).
And a new resource of interest to those of you exploring illegal wildlife trade: The Wildlife Seizure Dashboard from the nonprofit C4ADS includes an interactive tool for advanced wildlife seizure data analysis.
That’s all for this week – do let us know, by responding to this email, if we missed anything.
Stay safe and healthy,
Nithin Coca
The Environmental Reporting Collective is a growing network of journalists and newsrooms from over a dozen countries, all dedicated to investigating environmental crimes collaboratively.
To learn more about our work, check out our website, Investigative.Earth, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.