Green Echoes #33
Key investigative stories, data sources, funding, reporting and training opportunities and our projects from across Asia.
Happy belated New Year!
Welcome to the first 2022 issue of Green Echoes, a newsletter from the Environmental Reporting Collective that highlights key investigative stories, data sources, funding, reporting and training opportunities and our projects from across Asia.
Announcing the winners of our Grants
We’re proud to announce the winners of our first two ERC grant programs, focused on training and enabling collaborative reporting around the world.
Training Grants
The Organization Of Journalists Against Drugs Abuse And Crimes In Tanzania (OJADACT)
I-79 Media Consults (Nigeria)
Pakhtunkhwa Radio (West Pakistan)
Note: Details and registration for the trainings will be available soon and there will be limited seats available for ERC network members. If you’re interested, visit our Slack for updates.
Collaborative Reporting Grants
How Illegal fishing in Lake Victoria endangers livelihoods (Kenya/Uganda)
Kurdistan Pollution Report (United Kingdom/Iraq)
We’re now accepting applications for the next round of Collaborative Reporting Grants – please apply by the end of February to be considered. If you have an idea but need a reporting partner, check out our Slack group, which includes more than 150 reporters, editors, and experts from around the world.
Data, Resources and Training
Virtual Event: The World Editors Forum is holding a Global eSummit on Journalism and the Climate Crisis this week, Feb 22 and 23, and its free. Register here.
The Collaborative Reporting Summit will take place in Chicago, USA this year from May 19-20. Register here.
Two new guides from GIJN of interest to environmental journalists:
First, a Guide to Investigating Methane, designed to help investigative reporters identify specific sources of methane emissions and hold companies and countries accountable
Also worth checking out: this guide on Rise of Science-Based Investigative Journalism, which is also available in Indonesian and Hindi.
For those of you in India: 3CS Media is accepting applications for its Climate Journalism from Marginalised Communities fellowship, which will support reportage on climate change and how it affects peoples lives (deadline 28 Feb).
The Earth Journalism Network is accepting applications for Coastal Resilience Story Grants (deadline 7 March).
The Uproot Project is accepting applications from journalists of color for its Environmental Justice Fellowship. Applications are due by March 15th, and you have to be eligible to work in the United States to apply.
The Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award is accepting applications. The award is for established mid-career science journalists with extensive reporting histories (deadline 30 April).
That’s all for this week – do let us know, by responding to this email, if we missed anything.
Stay safe and healthy,
Nithin Coca
The Environmental Reporting Collective is a growing network of journalists and newsrooms from over a dozen countries, all dedicated to investigating environmental crimes collaboratively.
To learn more about our work, check out our website, Investigative.Earth, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.